Date- 05.11.288
Population- 382.203
Population- 382.203
Here is what I started with.
Traffic problems on Cory rd and
16th Street.
16th Street.
(Photo #10014)
My first attempted improvement, was adding a HWY and exit ramps.
The exit ramps were an experment and I really hoped they would work,
but as you can see. It Improved traffic on Cody and 16th,
but worsened it in the local neighborhoods.
So I decided to a build a side road along the 16th St HWY and remove the exit ramps.
It took a lot of space, but worked pretty well.
I also made the traffic circle at Cody and 16th a 2 Lane instead of a 1 Lane circle.
Here is a wide angle traffic photo of the area. It shows 16th and Cody rd,
that has turned out just awesome.
On the left you can see 15th St and Main St. where the traffic flows is very good as well.
If you look in the south west corner of the photo, just below Main and 17th St.,
you can see the pollution from the "Airport Industrial Park"
and very south west corner of the Airport is in the Photo
at the intersection of Main and 18th St.
Here is another wide angle with a better look at the pollution from AIP.
(Photo 10023t)
A closer look at the new 16th St side road and
2 lane traffic circle at Cody and 16th St.
Airport City is experiencing a nice growth spurt.
I'm not sure if the 16th St. improvements are the reason
for the growth, but I sure it didn't hurt.
(Photo 10025t)
I am also getting a Traffic warning for Airport City.
That may be my next project?
Health care is starting to cry for more money and
I'm sure education is not to far behind.
(I may have to check each be for my next project).
There was a traffic warning in one of my uptown neighborhoods.
It didn't look like it needed immediate attention.
To get uptown from the 16th St HWY. You take Main St or Cody rd.
West until you get to about 4th or 5th Street,
go north past the University and your Up Town.
Thank for Checking In and Please check out my Sponsors,
See Ya, Louie
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