Sim Date -03.07.297
Population - 382,396
More traffic problems in Airport City has prompted me to take action.
I'm going to try to do as little demolition as possible.
The main problem is the intersection of Norman rd. and Airport City
Photo 01
As you can see in (photo 01), The intersection has 2977 cars and the North
end of Norman rd starts at 2941 Cars and is around 1400 cars for the rest
of the road. The South end of Norman rd. runs from 350 to about 950 cars
(not on photo 01).
You can also see that most of the buildings zones face Norman rd.
Instead of making an avenue and demolishing one complete side of Norman rd.
I am going to place a Pedestrian Mall, replacing much of Norman rd. and try to
keeping demolish to a minimal.
Current photos of Airport City
Zoom shot
Photo 10100
Wide angle shot
Photo 10101
The Plan: Looking at Photo (01A Copy)
Photo 01A
The North end of Norman rd will have a Pedestrian Mall (2 squares),
about half way between Airport City rd and Airport City Loop N.,
with only 1 building being demolished.
Photo 10102
The complete length of the South end of Norman rd. will be come a Pedestrian
mall with 3 buildings being demolished. Also a new Residential zone replacing
some of the demolished buildings.
Photo 10103
Hopefully this will fix the traffic problems by directing traffic around the neighborhood and on to the more capable Airport City Loop. Instead of using Norman rd. so much.
I'll be back soon with an update of the construction and results of the improvments.
Thanks for stopping by and please visit my sponsors, Louie
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